Details for this torrent 

cloverfield cam divx
Video > Movies
481.04 MB

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Jan 21, 2008

this is a real deal. NO domplayer, NO 3wplayer, NO passwords. NO shit...
I watched it already and even though it's a cam of a movie on cam not to bad.
I got this from one of mky other fav sites and since I like PB I haddda put it here since there were so many FAKES out there.....



I watched this after getting it from elsewhere
and that only after dling so many fakes from other places I wont name but they know who they are. maybe nutty is from one....
K Im gonna try to dl this one. if you are another crap uploader may your ass be rammed by the god of all spined cactus cocks. if this is real thanks for the upload :)
without knowing me I can only say trust me, after that it's up to you. I played this in media 11 vlc and 1 other, all play. I spent the last 2 days playing around with "FAKES" till this one showed on a site I do trust. it don't look great but it does work
I've been burned by THREE fakes so far, if this one turns out to be another fake, I give up.
its funny you said mine was fake and we have the same file size and all you did was change the name of the file
Watch out peer guardian goes apeshit with anti-p2p sites
john21512 I only said yours might be fake in response to those who said it was. yours may not be a fake and all those sticking to it will find out. I only know mine is not fake.
Does that mean we all are going to prison...yay
Thanks mluke, first working copy of Cloverfield wut wut?
Quality is 7/10. Not perfect, but for a cam it's very watchable. There are a few scenes where people get up and walk around, but these are short.
Seed, you fucking assholes, and stop leeching.
please seed! everyone's stuck at 84.8% with only one seeder.
its the real movie but bad quality and terrible movie
perfect! As stated above, few times where people walk in front of the camera, but otherwise excellent quality! a=7/10 (a bit echoey) v=8.8/10. Glad I didn't spend the money to see this and thanks mluke45 for giving us a legit copy!
few days ago was full of fakes,

now is full of different cam versions

anybody knows whats the BEST cam version so we can all work with that one ? cause its gettin hard to choose the best cam version!